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Difference between Electronic Signature and Digital Signature

Read this article to know about the difference between digital and electronic signatures and which one is the best option for you.

What’s the Difference Between Electronic Signature and Digital Signature?

Even though the Electronic and Digital signatures are used synonymously, there are some differences between them. A digital signature protects essential documents certified by the concerned authorities. At the same time, an electronic signature is used by an individual to sign a contract that they agree to. Confused? Well, don’t be! In this blog, we have made every aspect related to the differences between digital signature and electronic signature pretty clear.

Basically, the digital signature certificate can be found in an embedded fingerprint. On the other hand, the electronic signature can be a symbol, process, or sound authenticating the contract. Apart from these, there are some key features of an Electronic sign and a Digital sign.

Features of Electronic Signature

The electronic sign has various vital features that differentiate it from the digital sign. Some of the critical features of an electronic signature are:

  • Unparalleled authenticity

The electronic sign provides unparalleled authenticity. And since it supports biometrics and fingerprints, the user will get excellent security of the document. Further, only the respective owner of the signature can access the document. 

  • Password-protected login

If the user has to access the document, he should enter the password for the same. And this password is 100% protected from random outsiders trying to access the document. Only if you enter the correct password can you log in to the document. 

  • Legally binding 

One of the essential features of the electronic signature is that it helps the documents get legal validity. And it is similar to the pen and paper validity of a document. So once you e-sign a document, it automatically gets legally bound.

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Features of Digital Signature

Like the Electronic sign, the Digital sign also has critical features that differentiate it from the latter. They are:

  • Authentication of the signer

The digital sign helps the user’s signature to become an identifiable entity. This means whoever signs the document gets the proof that they are the owner of the signature and nobody else.

  • Maintains the integrity of the document 

Once the document is digitally signed, the digital sign helps maintain the document’s integrity. And the signature cannot be further re-attached to other documents. Thus, digitally signed documents can never be replaced or changed. 

  • You cannot false-claim digital sign.

The person who has not digitally signed the document cannot falsely claim that they have signed. And further, this claim will not be considered valid in the eyes of the law.

Thus, these are some of the critical features of Electronic and Digital signs that differentiate both from each other. Now we will learn about more differences between both Digital and Electronic signs.

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How are Digital Signs Different from Electronic signs?

Apart from the key features of the digital and electronic signs, there are some significant differences between both. And we will learn them in detail:

  • An Electronic sign legally binds the document and further makes it secure. A digital sign is a secured signature of an individual that works synonymously with an e-sign that depends upon the organisation. In other words, an electronic signature is used to protect the document, and a secure digital signature is used to verify the same.
  • Unlike Digital signs authorised by certified authorities, Electronic signs are not regulated or authorised by any trusted authority. Electronic signs can be controlled and authorised by anybody. On the other, the digital sign is governed and regulated by the most trusted organisations.
  • Electronic signs can be represented through symbols, images, etc., that are attached to the document. The digital sign can be represented through an encrypted fingerprint that helps identify the individual. And since the digital sign is encrypted, it cannot be understood by random users, unlike electronic signs.
  • The electronic sign can easily be tampered with as they are not as secure as the digital sign. Any random person can hack their electronic sign and claim it as theirs. The digital sign is highly secured, and no one can steal it. Thus, a digital signature is more secure than an electronic signature. Click here to know more about safe sign digital signature
  • The individual can verify the Digital sign by producing their proof of identity. But the electronic sign cannot be verified by the individual, increasing its security vulnerabilities. You can verify the same for a digital signature even though it is encrypted. And this increases the trust of an individual in the digital sign.
  • Some of the types of e-signature include the scanned signature, verbal or electronic ticks etc. And some of the digital signs include the encrypted ones created using Adobe or Microsoft. And they are much more secure than scanned e-signs or verbal e-signs that can be hacked.
  • The electronic signature does not include coding standards like the use of cryptic algorithms. Digital signatures come with high-security coding standards. They use cryptic algorithms to create digital signatures. And it makes the sign more authentic.
  • The electronic signature is easy to use, but trust will depend on the person. But the digital signature is preferred over the latter because it is 100% authentic and safe. Even though both are used simultaneously, digital signs are safer than electronic signs.

Hence, these are some of the critical differences between Digital and Electronic signs and further lets us know which sign is more authentic and safe.

Wrapping Up – Difference between Electronic Signature and Digital Signature

To conclude, we can say that digital signs and electronic signs are different in many ways. And both have varied and unique key features that differentiate one from another. Even though they have their advantages and drawbacks, they also have great significance in authenticating essential documents.

However, when it comes to Digital signs versus Electronic signs. The Digital signature is a more secure, encrypted and authentic signature that will help maintain the document’s integrity. They are irreplaceable. And further, digital signs are not vulnerable to security crises as they are made with cryptic algorithms that only the signer can identify.

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