International Trademark Registration
What is an international registration number?
An international registration number (IRN) is a unique identifier assigned to a trademark registration under…
International Trademark Application
International Trademark Application – Overview An international trademark application is a process for registering a…
International Trademark Planning: A Brief History of International Trademark Law
Introduction In today’s rapidly globalising world, where businesses seek to establish their brands in various…
How Do I Protect My Trademark Internationally?
Protecting a trademark on a global scale is an essential undertaking for businesses with a…
International Trademark Registration: How Are Trademarks Protected Under
A international trademark registration is a sign used to distinguish the goods of one manufacturer…
Best Ways To Get International Trademark Registration For Your Business
A International trademark registration for your business is a name, phrase, symbol, word, number, or…
Trademark Basics in the U.S
A trademark is a distinctive sign used by an individual or company to identify its…
Can a Foreigner Register a Trademark in the US
Smaller brands need protection for their intellectual property and business owners need to establish a…