Trademark Registration Trademark Registration

Can TM be used without registering?

Using TM (trademark symbol) without formal registration indicates a claim of ownership over a brand or logo. It provides limited protection and signifies intent to protect your mark, but full legal benefits come with formal trademark registration


The use of trademarks is an age-old practice in the business world. They act as a unique identifier for products and services, setting them apart from their competition. But what about the symbols that accompany trademarks? Particularly, the Trademark Symbol. Can it be used without registering a trademark? What does it legally signify? 

The Trademark Symbol: A Brief Overview

The TM symbol, often seen adorning brand names and logos, is a universally acknowledged signifier denoting trademark. It’s a common misconception that its presence alone confirms the trademark’s official registration. In reality, the TM symbol functions more as a declaration of intent and ownership. When a business displays this symbol next to their brand name, logo, or other distinguishing marks, they are effectively announcing their proprietary claim over that mark. 

This assertion stands even if the business has not taken formal steps towards official registration. The symbol acts as a preliminary deterrent, signalling to competitors and the wider market that the brand is staking its territory and that the mark is not open for unauthorized use or imitation.

Learn more about Legal trademark registration

Significance of Using the Trademark Symbol:

Staking Your Claim:

When a business puts the TM symbol next to its brand or logo, it’s like saying, This is our mark, and we stand by it. It’s not just a small sign; it’s a strong statement. This symbol lets others know the business is serious about its brand. It’s like planting a flag, signalling to competitors, This territory is ours, respect it.


Without a mark like TM, a brand might look like it’s open for anyone to use. But with the TM symbol, it’s like putting up a warning sign. It tells people the brand knows its rights. Even if it’s not as strong as a registered mark, it’s still a warning. When others see the TM, they might think twice before using something similar, avoiding possible legal issues.

Preparatory Move:

Using the TM symbol is like setting the stage before the main event. Before businesses go through the detailed process of registering a trademark, they use TM. It’s like giving a heads-up to others about their intentions. This early step helps when they finally decide to register. It shows they’ve been thinking about their brand’s future and setting things up for later.

Legal Implications of Using the Trademark Symbol for Unregistered Trademarks:

No Federal Protection: An unregistered mark with the TM symbol doesn’t enjoy the nationwide protection afforded to registered trademarks. Instead, any legal rights are generally limited to the geographic area in which the mark is used.

Proof of Prior Use: Should a dispute arise, the onus is on the business using the TM symbol to prove that they used the mark before the alleged infringer.

No Right to Statutory Damages: In the event of trademark infringement, owners of unregistered trademarks might not be entitled to statutory damages under federal law. They would be limited to actual damages, which can be harder to prove.

No Use of Federal Courts: Typically, federal trademark registration grants the right to sue in federal court. Without registration, a trademark holder might be limited to state courts, which can be limiting in scope and jurisdiction.


The TM symbol serves as a clear statement of a company’s claim over a mark. While it doesn’t grant the full breadth of rights and protections that come with a federal registration, it remains a powerful tool in a brand’s arsenal, signalling its territorial claim in the market. Businesses need to be aware of both the advantages and limitations that come with using the TM symbol without registration, ensuring they make informed decisions about their branding strategy.

FAQs on TM without Registration:

Can anyone use the TM symbol?

Yes, any business or individual can use the TM symbol to assert their claim over a trademark. However, it's essential that they have a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce.

Does the TM symbol guarantee protection against infringement?

No, the TM symbol itself doesn't grant legal protection. It merely indicates a claim of rights. For more robust protection, registration is essential.

How does the TM symbol differ from the ® symbol?

The TM symbol is used to indicate an unregistered trademark, while the ® symbol indicates a registered trademark with full federal protections.

If I've been using the TM symbol, can I easily switch to the ® once registered?

Yes, once your trademark is officially registered with the relevant federal body, you can and should switch from TM to ® to indicate your registration status.

Is there a risk to using the TM symbol without registering my trademark?

While using the TM symbol isn't risky in itself, it doesn't grant comprehensive rights. There's always the risk that another party could register a similar or identical mark, potentially complicating your own registration efforts in the future.

About the Author

Nithya Ramani Iyer is an experienced content and communications leader at Zolvit (formerly Vakilsearch), specializing in legal drafting, fundraising, and content marketing. With a strong academic foundation, including a BSc in Visual Communication, BA in Criminology, and MSc in Criminology and Forensics, she blends creativity with analytical precision. Over the past nine years, Nithya has driven business growth by creating and executing strategic content initiatives that resonate with target audiences. She excels in simplifying complex concepts into clear, engaging content while developing high-impact marketing strategies. Nithya's unique expertise in legal content and marketing makes her a key asset to the Zolvit team, enhancing brand visibility and fostering meaningful audience engagement.

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