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Can I Withdraw RD Anytime?

This article explores the benefits of Recurring Deposit (RD) investment, including its low risk, flexibility, regular savings, tax benefits, & ease of investment.

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Recurring Deposit (RD) is a popular investment option among middle-class Indians. It offers the convenience of depositing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, providing a steady flow of income. While withdraw RD is a secure investment option, there are times when you may need to withdraw the funds before the maturity date. But can you withdraw RD anytime? Let’s delve into the topic and find out.

What is Recurring Deposit (RD)?

Before we discuss the withdrawal of RD, let’s take a brief look at what RD is. RD is a financial instrument where you deposit a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, usually monthly, for a specified period. The tenure of RD typically ranges from 6 months to 10 years. The interest rate offered on RD is usually higher than that on a savings account.

Can you Withdraw RD Anytime?

The simple answer to this question is no. Unlike a savings account, where you can withdraw the money at any time, an RD account has a fixed tenure. If you withdraw the money before the maturity date, you may have to pay the penalty or lose the interest earned on the investment. 

However, some banks may allow you to withdraw the funds prematurely under certain conditions.

Premature Withdrawal of RD

Most banks and financial institutions allow premature withdrawal of RD under certain conditions. The conditions for premature withdrawal vary depending on the bank and the type of RD Calculator account. Let’s take a look at some of the common conditions for premature withdrawal.

Partial Withdrawal

Many banks allow partial withdrawal of RD funds before the maturity date. However, the rules for partial withdrawal may vary depending on the bank. Some banks may allow partial withdrawal after a certain number of deposits have been made, while others may allow it after a specific period.

Penalty for Premature Withdraw RD  

You may have to pay the penalty if you withdraw the funds before maturity. The penalty for premature withdrawal varies depending on the bank and the RD scheme. In some cases, the penalty may be a fixed amount, while in others, it may be a percentage of the interest earned.

Loss of Interest

If you withdraw the funds before the maturity date, you may lose the interest earned on the investment. Interest forfeited may depend on the bank and the RD scheme. In some cases, the entire interest earned may be forfeited, while a percentage may be forfeited in others.


Before you withdraw the funds prematurely, you may be required to submit certain documents, such as ID proof, address proof, and the RD receipt. The documents required may vary depending on the bank and the type of RD account.

It’s important to note that the conditions for premature withdrawal can vary from bank to bank and may also depend on the type of RD account. Before opening an RD account, it’s essential to read and understand the terms and conditions of the scheme, including the conditions for premature withdrawal.

Benefits of Investing in Withdraw RD

  • Guaranteed Returns 

One of the biggest advantages of RD is that it offers guaranteed returns. The interest rate is fixed at the time of investment, and the investor can be sure of the amount they will receive at the end of the investment period.

  • Flexibility

RD offers flexibility in terms of investment amount and tenure. Investors can choose the amount they wish to deposit regularly, and the tenure can vary from six months to ten years. This flexibility allows investors to choose a plan that suits their financial goals and budget.

  • Low-Risk Investment 

RD is a low-risk investment option as it is backed by the government and is not subject to market fluctuations. The investor can be sure of the returns they will receive at the end of the investment period.

  • Regular Savings 

RD offers the benefit of regular savings, which is beneficial for people who struggle to save money regularly. The option of depositing a fixed amount at regular intervals ensures that the investor saves money regularly and can accumulate a significant amount at the end of the investment period.

  • Tax Benefits 

RD offers tax benefits to the investor. The interest earned on the RD investment is taxable, but the investor can claim a deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act for the investment made in the RD scheme. This can help in reducing the tax liability of the investor.

  • Ease of Investment 

RD is an easy investment option that does not require any significant financial knowledge or expertise. The investor can open an RD account with a bank or financial institution, and the process is simple and hassle-free.

  • Loan Against RD

Many banks and financial institutions offer the option of taking a loan against the RD investment. This means the investor can get a loan at a lower interest rate by using the RD investment as collateral. This option benefits people who need urgent funds but want to maintain the RD investment.


While RD is a secure investment option, it does not offer the flexibility of a savings account. You cannot withdraw RD anytime you want, and premature withdrawal may result in a penalty or loss of interest. 

However, most banks and financial institutions do allow premature withdrawal under certain conditions. If you are considering premature withdrawal of RD, it is advisable to check the terms and conditions of your RD scheme and consult with your bank before making a decision.

Vakilsearch is a legal and financial services company offering various services to individuals and businesses. Vakilsearch provides RD calculator, which can help investors calculate the returns on their RD investment. The RD calculator considers the investment amount, tenure, and interest rate to estimate the returns the investor can expect at the end of the investment period.

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