Gift Deed Registration Gift Deed Registration

The Advantages Of Giving A Gift Deed?

It is very important to have a deed and knowledge of the deed. If you want a deed, you must consult with professionals. They will help you to come out from the confusion of deeds.

The transfer of asset ownership from one person to another is documented in a gift deed. Both parties must sign the deed for such a transfer to be legally binding. A deed of gift also clears up any ambiguities regarding who owns the property. An official document called a gift deed registration is used to register the transfer of goods or properties from one person to another. When the transferor (also known as the “gift-giver”) doesn’t reasonably demand payment for goods or properties they have transferred, this clause is employed. 

It is important to familiarize yourself with various phrases to comprehend gift deeds. “Donor,” or perhaps the individual contributing, is also one of those terms. The “agent,” who would also carry out the donor’s instructions, is another useful concept to be aware of.A “donor” is someone who could provide a gift to another person, including a kid or an adult. This is usually not essential, although it can be if the receiver is a minor. A person who will carry out the donor’s instructions to administer these gifts is called a “donee.”

Information That Needs to Be Included in a Deed?

The signatures of two witnesses who will attest to the deed. The location and time of the gift deed’s execution must be specified. It must also contain details about the donor and the donee, including their names, addresses, relationships, dates of birth, and signatures.

After spending the appropriate amount, it should be copied on stamp paper and documented at the registrant or sub-registrar’s office.

Important Provisions

These key points should be included in the format of gift deed 

  • No Force or Money in Exchange for a Gift Deed

The gift deed should state that no cash is exchanged and made from care and devotion alone, free from financial or forceful pressure.

  • A Gift Deed Can Only Be Given by Its Owner

Only the owner may gift a property. You cannot gift deed property to someone else you don’t own or not in advance. When you gift anything, you remain the owner of that too; you need not transfer the ownership.

  • Explain the Property

The structure of an estate gift deed should include all information relevant to the estate, including the building, kind of property, address, region, position, etc.

  • Relationship Between the Donor and the Donee

Some state legislatures may waive the stamp duty on real estate gift deeds if the donors and the donee are blood relatives. When it doesn’t, it’s essential to establish the donor’s connections via a property deed of gift to conduct a post-mortem investigation.

  • Report Liabilities

The deed should specify whether the gift is subject to any legal constraints, such as restrictions on who can sell or rent the property.

  • Selling Clause

A conveyance of possession of goods is mentioned in the gift document, either explicitly or implicitly.

  • The Gift’s Cancellation

Whenever a revocation clause is followed in the donee’s deed of gift, the donor and the donee should expressly agree to it. The pre-arranged Gift Deed Agreement (GDA) procedure requires both parties to cooperate on this gift deed clause.

Multiple Types and Uses

Gift deeds can be either “revocable” or “irrevocable,” with the former being the most common. Donors use revocable deed of gift to indicate their desire to make gifts in the future. After it has been certified and delivered, a new kind of deed of gift is used to transfer properties. It is regarded as irrevocable.

Gift deeds give away cash, stocks, or other assets and transfer real estate rights. Additionally, you can use them while giving to a charitable organization or non-profit group.

 Advantages and Disadvantages

We advise weighing the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing this kind of legal instrument before drafting a gift deed.

A donation deed act has the following benefits:

  1. Instantaneously, it is carried out.
  2. deed of gift are less subject to litigation since they must be documented.
  3. For the most part, deed transfers are generally tax-free for both the sender and the donee.

Additionally, using deeds has significant drawbacks.

  1. It is final and irrevocable. 
  2. In custom duties, many additional expenses differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. That could cause trouble if the donors, as well as the donee, have issues later on.

Kind of Property Can Be Included in a Deed of Gift

For a legally recognized transaction by a live donor to materialize, additional criteria may apply to gifts of real and personal property. Real estate consists of both real estate and real estate interests, like easements or fixtures. The term “personality” is typically used to describe every other kind of property.

Real Estate

Torrens’ title property and old system (or “general law”) land are key subdivisions of real estate to take into account. Landowners must provide the required certificate of title to the local property title office for a transfer to be legal. All that matters in the case of Torrens’ title land is the deed itself. When signing a document for the old system lands, it must have been clear that you intended it to be a deed. A proper authentication should be present, such as one provided by a witness to the deed’s signature.

Personal Property

The donation deed might not work on personal property. If the gift-giver needs further assistance from the intended receiver to effectuate the ownership transition, the deed could not be enforceable by law. Additionally, the giftee may not have taken all the necessary steps to transfer ownership, rendering the gift deed useless.

For example, a deed between Mark and Sarah transfers ownership of their company’s shares, but Mark hasn’t filed a transfer document with the business. He has also not taken all the necessary steps to transfer ownership, even though only Mark can execute this documentation and Sarah cannot.


Gift deeds help explain the intentions given to individuals who think they have a right to the property. An irreversible transmission is given to the receiver once the deed has been executed. The formal transfer of ownership could also be demonstrated through a deed of gfit. If you need more information about deeds, make sure you are counting on Vakilsearch. 

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About the Author

Varsha Mahendrasingh, a Corporate Compliance & Tax Consultant at Vakilsearch, is a B.A. LL.B. graduate. She specialises in corporate tax return filing, company secretarial services, Section 8 compliance, and company winding-up procedures.

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