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How to Get Aadhaar Services through SMS

In addition to making Aadhaar services more accessible, the UIDAI is enabling the use of such services over SMS. With this new feature, more users will be able to generate Virtual IDs, lock biometric details, and access other services.

For these services to be available, the only requirement is that the user must have registered their mobile number with UIDAI and linked it with their Aadhaar number to use these services.

How To Avail Aadhaar Services Via SMS

To avail of Aadhaar Services via SMS, users have to send the following SMS in the prescribed format from their registered mobile numbers to 1947. Now, let us look at the various services that users can now avail of via SMS.

Generation of Virtual ID:

  • GVID (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number
  • For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, then you must send
  • GVID 9876 to 1947.

Retrieve Virtual ID:

  • RVID (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number
  • For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, then you must send
  • RVID 9876 to 1947.

Generate OTP:

  • While using the Aadhaar number for authentication, type the following;
  1. GET OTP (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, then you must send
  2. GET OTP 9876 to 1947.
  • In case you are using your Virtual ID for authentication, then send;
  1. GET OTP (Space) the Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID. For example, in case your Virtual ID is 1234-5678-9876-5432, then you must send
  2. GET OTP 765432 to 1947.

Lock Aadhaar Details:

In this case, you must send two SMS. The first one will help you generate an OTP, and the next one will initiate the locking of your Aadhaar number and details. 

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number
  • LOCK UID (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number (Space) 6 digits of OTP

For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  • GET OTP 9876
  • LOCK UID 9876 543210 to 1947

If you wish to lock your Aadhaar number, you must pre-generate a Virtual ID to replace it or else you will not be allowed to lock the Aadhaar. Furthermore, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and share the last four digits, then you must send the following SMS

 LOCK UID (Space) Last 8-digits of the Aadhaar (Space) 6-Digit OTP

Unlock Aadhaar Details:

In this case, also, users must send two SMS. The first one will help you generate an OTP, and the next one will initiate the unlocking of your Aadhaar number.

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID
  • UNLOCK UID (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID (Space) 6-digit OTP For example, in case your Virtual ID is 1234-5678-9876-5432, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send
  •  GET OTP 765432
  • UNLOCK UID 765432 543210 to 1947

If you wish to unlock your Aadhaar number, you must use your Virtual ID to replace it. Furthermore, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and their VID share the last six digits, then you must send the following SMS

 UNLOCK UID (Space) Last 10 digits of the Virtual ID(Space) 6-Digit OTP

Lock Biometric Details:

In this case, also, you will need to send two SMS. The first one will help you generate an OTP, and the next one will initiate the locking of your Biometric. 

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number
  • ENABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number (Space) 6 digits of OTP

For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  •  GET OTP 9876 
  • ENABLEBIOLOCK 9876 543210 to 1947

If you use Virtual ID for authentication, then you must send the following texts;

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID 
  • ENABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID (Space) 6-digit OTP

 For example, in case your Virtual ID is 1234-5678-9876-5432, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  •  GET OTP 765432 
  • ENABLE BIO LOCK 765432 543210 to 1947

 If your Aadhaar Number is locked, you will not be able to use this feature. Furthermore, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and share the last four digits, then you must send the following SMS

 ENABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 8-digits of the Aadhaar (Space) 6-Digit OTP

Also, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and their VID share the last six digits, then you must send the following SMS

 ENABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 10-digits of the Virtual ID(Space) 6-Digit OTP

Disabling Biometric Lock:

In this case, users must send two SMS. The first one will help you generate an OTP, and the next one will initiate the disabling of the Biometric lock. 

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number
  • DISABLE BIO LOCK (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number (Space) 6 digits of OTP

For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  • GET OTP 9876 
  • DISABLEBIOLOCK 9876 543210 to 1947

 If you use Virtual ID for authentication, then you must send the following texts;

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID 
  • DISABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID (Space) 6-digit OTP

 For example, in case your Virtual ID is 1234-5678-9876-5432, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  •  GET OTP 765432 
  • DISABLEBIOLOCK 765432 543210 to 1947

 You cannot avail of this feature if your Aadhaar number is locked. Furthermore, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and share the last four digits, then you must send the following SMS

 DISABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 8-digits of the Aadhaar (Space) 6-Digit OTP

 Also, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and their VID share the last six digits, then you must send the following SMS:

 DISABLEBIOLOCK (Space) Last 10-digits of the Virtual ID(Space) 6-Digit OTP 

Temporary Biometric Unlock:

In this case, users must send two SMS. The first one will help you generate an OTP, and the next one will initiate the temporary unlocking of the Biometric lock. 

  • GET OTP (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number
  • UNBLOCKBIO (Space) Last 4 digits of your Aadhaar Number (Space) 6 digits of OTP

For example, in case your Aadhaar Number is 1234-5678-9876, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  •  GET OTP 9876 
  • UNBLOCKBIO 9876 543210 to 1947

If you use Virtual ID for authentication, then you must send the following texts;

  • GETOTP (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID 
  • UNBLOCKBIO (Space) Last 6 digits of your Virtual ID (Space) 6-digit OTP

 For example, in case your Virtual ID is 1234-5678-9876-5432, and the OTP you receive is 543210, then you must send

  • GET OTP 765432
  • UNBLOCKBIO 765432 543210 to 1947

 You cannot avail of this feature if your Aadhaar number is locked. Furthermore, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and share the last four digits, then you must send the following SMS

 UNBLOCKBIO (Space) Last 8-digits of the Aadhaar (Space) 6-Digit OTP

 Also, if two Aadhaars are linked to the same registered mobile number, and their VID share the last six digits, then you must send the following SMS

 UNBLOCKBIO (Space) Last 10-digits of the Virtual ID (Space) 6-Digit OTP


The guidelines we have mentioned in this article must be followed to avail of aadhaar services via SMS. You should also avoid giving space where it is not mentioned. Please follow the information correctly as specified. If you have issues availing the service, you can contact our team to get help.

About the Author

I’m Orsala Mohammed Basheer, an SEO Specialist with 10+ years of proven success in organic growth and content optimization. For the past 3 years, I’ve led SEO strategies at Vakilsearch, a leading legal services provider, crafting search-optimized content for legal topics like company incorporation, GST compliance, annual filings, and trademarks. Through keyword-driven, user-centric content, I’ve helped position Vakilsearch’s legal pages as trusted, authoritative resources—delivering measurable improvements in search rankings and organic traffic. I work closely with legal experts to ensure all content aligns with the latest compliance standards and government policies, providing clarity and accuracy to users searching for legal solutions.

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