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SIP Calculator

Difference Between SIP and PPF Calculator

This article explores the differences between SIP and PPF calculators for investing, including investment options, risk and returns, and tax implications.


PPF and SIP are both long-term investment options, but they vary in terms of maturity and lock-in periods. Unlike SIPs, which can be halted and cashed in at any time, PPF has a 15-year tenure with a 7-year lock-in. After this period, partial withdrawals are permitted.  So, PPF and SIP calculators have different calculating formulas and features.   

You’ve got two popular choices: Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and Public Provident Fund (PPF). SIP is like regularly tossing money into mutual funds, hoping it grows over time. On the other hand, PPF is a government-backed savings plan where you put in a fixed amount every year. Both are about being disciplined with your money. SIP has the potential for gains linked to the market, while PPF gives you a safe, fixed return. These plans come with tax benefits, and you can use tools like SIP calculator and PPF calculator to plan how much to contribute. So, whether you’re aiming for growth with mutual funds or stability with PPF, these are handy tools for different financial goals.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice. Consult a financial professional before making investment decisions. We are not liable for any financial decisions based on the information provided.

The PPF (Public Provident Fund) calculator and SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) calculator serve as valuable financial tools, simplifying the planning process for individuals seeking to secure their financial future. The PPF calculator enables users to predict returns on their PPF investments, considering the fixed annual contributions and the prevailing interest rates. It aids in strategically planning contributions to meet specific financial goals. On the other hand, the SIP calculator is a user-friendly tool designed for those investing in mutual funds through SIP. By allowing users to input their investment amount, duration, and expected returns, it provides a projected value of their investments over time. Both calculators serve as practical guides, empowering individuals, regardless of financial expertise, to make informed decisions about their savings and investments, fostering a more financially secure tomorrow.

What is SIP? 

A Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a method of investing in mutual funds that promotes regular and disciplined contributions towards building wealth over time. With SIP, individuals can invest a predetermined amount at regular intervals, offering flexibility in terms of both the investment amount and the frequency of investment. This structure allows investors to bypass the need for a large lump sum and instead contribute smaller, more manageable amounts. SIPs are considered an accessible investment vehicle for individuals who want to enter the financial markets gradually. The frequency of investment in SIP can be monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or even annual, depending on the investor’s preference. The key elements of SIP include the investment amount, the chosen frequency of investment, and the selected mutual fund or investment plan. This approach not only facilitates financial planning but also harnesses the power of compounding, making SIP an attractive option for those looking to achieve long-term financial goals through a systematic and hassle-free investment strategy.

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Benefits of SIP

Investing through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) comes with a range of benefits that make it an appealing strategy for individuals looking to build wealth over the long term. One significant advantage is the convenience it offers. SIP allows investors to contribute small, manageable amounts at regular intervals, making it accessible to a broad range of people. Diversification is another key benefit, as SIPs typically invest in a variety of assets, spreading the risk and potentially enhancing returns.

Flexibility is a hallmark of SIP, allowing investors to choose their investment amount and frequency based on their financial goals and capacity. The approach of rupee cost averaging, inherent in SIP, mitigates the impact of market volatility. It involves buying more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high, resulting in a balanced average cost per unit over time.

SIPs are often managed by professionals, bringing the benefit of expert management to individual investors who might not have the time or expertise to manage their portfolios actively. This professional management contributes to the overall risk mitigation and the potential for long-term benefits. In essence, SIPs offer a strategic and flexible approach to wealth creation with a host of advantages for investors seeking a disciplined and well-managed investment journey.

What is PPF?

The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a long-term investment scheme introduced in 1968 by the Ministry of Finance in India. Operated under the purview of the National Savings Institute, PPF is a Savings-cum-Tax-Saving instrument that aims to encourage small savings among individuals. This government-backed investment scheme offers a secure avenue for individuals to deposit money for an extended period.

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One of the distinctive features of PPF is that it provides reasonable returns, making it an attractive choice for risk-averse investors. The interest rates are set by the government and are typically higher than regular savings accounts, adding to the appeal of PPF as a long-term investment option.

Apart from the potential for wealth accumulation, PPF also brings tax benefits. The contributions made to PPF are eligible for deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, providing individuals with a means to optimise their tax liabilities. The lock-in period of 15 years for PPF encourages a disciplined approach to savings, fostering a habit of long-term financial planning.

Benefits of PPF

Safe Investment: PPF offers a secure avenue for investment, ensuring the safety of the principal amount.

Guaranteed Returns: It provides guaranteed returns, shielding investors from market fluctuations.

Low-Risk Profile: PPF is renowned for being a low-risk investment option, making it suitable for risk-averse individuals.

Tax Benefits: Contributions to PPF qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, enhancing its attractiveness.

Long Tenure: With a tenure of 15 years, PPF encourages long-term financial planning and disciplined savings.

Flexible Withdrawal Options: Investors have the flexibility to make partial withdrawals after the completion of the mandatory lock-in period.

Loan Options: PPF allows for loans against the deposited amount, providing financial flexibility to investors in times of need.

PF Account Benefits: PPF integrates features similar to a provident fund (PF) account, catering to those looking for both savings and tax benefits.

Risk Mitigation: The fixed interest rates and government backing mitigate the investment risk, ensuring a stable financial growth path.

Dual Purpose: Serving both as an investment and a savings tool, PPF offers a multifaceted approach to wealth creation.

Difference Between SIP and PPF 

Parameters PPF SIP
Returns 7.1% (Q3 of FY 2023-24) *Market linked
Investment Instrument A part of Government borrowings and installed as per govt. requirements Mutual Funds
Investment Amount Minimum- ₹500 Maximum- ₹1.5 lakh p.a
Investment Tenure 15 years (minimum) Extendable in blocks of 5 years
Lock-in Period 15 years No lock-in period
Investment Risk It is a government-backed scheme. Hence, completely secure Risky as SIP is market-linked
Tax Benefits EEE (Exempt-Exempt-Exempt) category of tax Depends on the type of Mutual Fund. Ex: ELSS is eligible for tax deduction under Section 80C
Liquidity Low Withdrawals allowed only from 7th financial year of investment

SIP or PPF Which is Better?

Choosing between PPF and SIP depends on individual financial goals and risk preferences. PPF is a safer option, offering a fixed and secure return, making it suitable for risk-averse investors. It’s backed by the government and provides tax benefits, making it a stable, long-term savings instrument.

On the other hand, SIP in mutual funds carries market risk but has the potential for higher returns. It suits those willing to navigate market fluctuations and aim for long-term wealth creation. The returns in SIP are linked to market performance, offering the possibility of capital appreciation.

In summary, if you prioritise safety and guaranteed returns, PPF is a prudent choice. However, if you are comfortable with some level of risk and seek the potential for higher returns, SIP in mutual funds could align better with your financial objectives. Diversification and a balanced approach may also involve incorporating both PPF and SIP in a well-rounded investment strategy.

Who can Invest in SIP? 

SIPs are designed to be inclusive and cater to a diverse range of investors. Anyone, irrespective of their income level, can invest in SIPs to foster financial growth. SIP plans provide a flexible and affordable entry into mutual funds, making it accessible for individuals with varying earnings and savings capacities.

Even those with relatively low incomes can participate in SIPs, allowing them to benefit from the potential returns of the stock market. SIPs are particularly well-suited for individuals who are new to investing or those who prefer a systematic and disciplined approach to wealth creation.

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SIPs have gained popularity as an effective means for individuals to participate in the financial markets without the need for a large lump sum investment. Whether you’re a salaried professional, a business owner, or someone with modest earnings, SIPs provide a practical avenue for anyone looking to embark on a journey towards financial growth through mutual funds.

Who can Invest in PPF? 

The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is open to a broad spectrum of individuals, including High-Frequency Users (HFUs), Indian citizens, and even minors. Non-Resident Indians (NRI’s), however, are not eligible to open a new PPF account, but if someone already has an account before acquiring NRI status, they can continue until maturity. PPF accounts can be opened in the name of an individual, including minors, fostering a culture of long-term savings and investment from a young age.

What is SIP Calculator?

A SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) Calculator is a financial tool designed to assist investors in planning their SIP investments. It helps individuals estimate the future value of their investments by allowing them to input parameters such as the target corpus, monthly investment amount, expected rate of return, and the investment duration. This online tool simplifies investment planning by providing a clear projection of the potential returns based on the specified parameters, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about their investment strategy.

What is PPF Calculator? 

A PPF (Public Provident Fund) Calculator is a specialized tool to calculate the estimated returns on PPF investments. Users can input details such as the investment amount, time period, interest rates, and the frequency of investments (quarterly or yearly). The PPF Calculator then provides an estimate of the maturity value, helping investors plan their contributions and gauge the potential growth of their investments over time.

SIP vs. PPF Calculator 

Comparing SIP and PPF is made easier with dedicated calculators. The SIP vs. PPF calculator employs formulas to determine parameters like the Maturity Amount (MA), amount invested, rate of interest, number of payments, and maturity benefit. This tool facilitates a side-by-side analysis, allowing investors to understand the potential returns and benefits of both SIP and PPF, aiding them in making well-informed decisions tailored to their financial goals.


1. Is SIP available in PPF?

No, SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is not available in PPF (Public Provident Fund). SIP is a method of investing in mutual funds, and PPF is a separate government-backed savings scheme. While both involve regular contributions, they operate in distinct financial domains.

2. Which is safer: SIP or PPF?

PPF (Public Provident Fund) is generally considered safer compared to SIP (Systematic Investment Plan). PPF offers a fixed and secure return, and it is backed by the government. On the other hand, SIP involves investing in mutual funds, which are subject to market risks. The safety of an investment depends on an individual's risk tolerance and financial goals.

3. Is SIP tax-free?

SIP in Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) is a tax-friendly deal. Whatever you put in, what you get at the end, and even when you take it out – all of it is tax-free. It's like a triple tax benefit!

4. Is PPF Lump sum or SIP?

A PPF account needs a minimum commitment of 15 years and an initial deposit of ₹500. You can put in up to ₹1,50,000 each year, either all at once or in 12 smaller amounts spread throughout the year.


SIP and PPF calculators are popular investment options with different features, risk levels, and tax implications. SIP offers a wide range of investment options and potentially higher returns but comes with a higher level of risk.

Investing your money can be daunting, especially if you’re new to finance. However, understanding the differences between SIP and PPF calculators can help you decide which investment option is best for you. Consider your financial goals, risk tolerance, and tax implications when choosing, and remember that diversification is key to a well-balanced portfolio. 

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