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Company Registration in Dubai

What is the Procedure for Registration of an Offshore Company?

This blog explains the meaning of an Offshore Company, and further describes the procedure, steps and pre-requisites for doing the same. It also discusses and relates to the advantages of an Offshore Company. Read on to find out more!

Business today grapples with racks of competition, acceptance, rejection, promotion, regulation and everything that falls in between. If observed, the importance of the location primarily or situating a company, enterprise or business in an ideal place is of paramount significance to the complete follow-up or adherence to the law of the land and the associate duties that one is obliged and expected to follow through with, on starting an undertaking of one’s own. Onshore and Offshore companies are pretty much exactly what their names suggest- they indicate the location or proximity of various companies, businesses or legal entities and organisations or enterprises to the site of their parent companies or their area (country or continent) of operation, that renders the tributaries and branches thus developed in, around or far from the concerned location, functional.

What Is an Offshore Company?

In international business, companies and enterprises often set up corporation partnerships or trusts with some offshore entities, that is, markets out of their proximity. Technically, offshore and onshore companies aren’t essentially different in providing their services. An offshore company doesn’t operate in the mainland, or its place of origin. It is situated elsewhere, where there is a complete tax rebate or exemption, unhindered monetary as well as business developments and other such benefits.

Foreign investors are especially drawn to offshore company jurisdictions as it allows trade, marketing and selling at very low rates. It is also to be understood that, contrary to the easily assumed or popular belief, offshore companies are not only for the well-established and the rich to start. An Offshore Company provides a very strong and primary inception to young entrepreneurs setting up their businesses and enterprises by propelling their business growth in leaps and bounds. It is a great opportunity for international business and early exposure to the formularisation and business strategising for the young.

An Offshore Company is formed and registered for a handful of particular reasons such as:

  • They exist as holding companies that regulate other companies and own or control the interest in the securities of other branches or tributaries of the parent company. The common perception that offshore companies do not have to pay taxes cannot be entirely discounted either.
  • Since these companies are registered, set up, and incorporated into the legal structures of different places than their own, the jurisdictions of their state of residence vary greatly from the tax haven the companies incorporate into.
  • People who run these international business companies, IBCs, may be completely exempted from tax payment under these laws, and many other trade activities will be legal even outside of the jurisdiction and the law that governs the land.
  • Tax rebates and tax exemptions, besides having their advantages, often come at the price of the reputation or accessibility of local markets for the incorporated, offshore companies. This amounts to the fact that these offshore companies are not entitled to trade with the local companies, people and markets. This is effectively reasoned to keep their trade restrained to foreign business counterparts only.
  • However, in recent times, more often than ever, to attract people, businesses from both local markets and foreign markets are being favored by offshore companies. To interact with the local markets for profit, offshore companies should consider filing taxes at low tax rates because it opens up more opportunities than the pre-existing ones.

What Are Some of the Features of Offshore Companies?

A great marked difference and the added benefit of Offshore Companies, is the lack of intervention in its progression and business proceedings in general. No other party, vendor or external observer who has been involved in trade previously or currently, is allowed to intervene in its law adhering to financial functionality. Free zones in countries like cities like Dubai, or other parts of the UAE, are where these offshore companies can work and be exempted from the levying taxes owing to the laws of the land.

Offshore companies are legally treated as a different entity from the owners or the entrepreneurs who set up the enterprise, incorporating it speedily into the law-and-order adhering marketing system. The debt, outstanding loans, culpable assets and drags, that are incurred or harbored by the company, do not transfer to its owner or other businessmen involved. Hence one of the most compelling and appealing benefits is the confidentiality of the assets. The resident country laws don’t apply and the accountability and taxes, if any, are much less. Besides, the foreign country cannot investigate company details or challenge its anonymity unless there is a criminal investigation.

No trade, fund transfer or payments are issued in the name of an individual, like the company’s managing director or business head. It is all in the name of the company thus, concealing many important and personal details of the investors, owners and so on. The financial debts and duties are all distinctly aloof as self-identifiable entities that safeguard important assets of the directors or people linked to it even in situations where the company is to be held accountable. Offshore company registration benefit greatly from any standard system because countries don’t charge taxation from non-resident companies, nor are they expected to pay any taxes to the tax haven country they are functional from, over their capital gains etc.

How to Set up an Offshore Company or Enterprise

An offshore company has an easy-going set-up along with the non-liability status of paying taxes or paying little amounts of tax for the trading and occupation facilitated through the land, with minimal requirements, such as one owner and one managing director only, to start with (a project or a company). As mentioned earlier, it is an inviting gateway into international business, not only for affluent business owners but for small investors and new entrepreneurs.

Besides the documentation and requirements mentioned below, certain necessary pre-requisites should be fulfilled by the owner through his self-discerning policies, and comprehensively too, by measuring the pros and cons of the investiture that could be along the lines of pre-determining a budget for the investment in the business project, estimated expenditure on different developments or losses incurred, market liquidity based on purchase and selling of assets, and a plan of action that needs to be executed during the business.

To set up an Offshore Company or enterprise one would need to produce the compilation of the following documents, of which some might be of utmost importance:

  • The Shareholder identity that the person owning the business has to produce is a number on the identity created based on the total count of shares that he owns or has bought under his name.
  • The shareholder is expected to produce his passport as well as visa. The passport carries official and valid government-approved details about the person.
  • Before applying for an Offshore Company, the shareholder or owner should have to file a notice of the same. This document is needed to process the request, as well.
  • Bank Statements, credit scores or income tax details shall be checked to approve of the owner’s or notice filer’s financial stability and establish their creditworthiness.
  • The owner should also be able to produce the MOA (Memorandum of Association) – which carries details of all the shareholders who had undertaken the business project together, and the AOA (Articles of Association), which lay out the rules and regulations that govern the business project.

As offshore companies come with their fair share of dilemmas to resolve with documents and strategies, ones who are new could have a lot of learning to do after the business is set up and even before. One must decide what structure their business is best suited in. it could be a sole proprietorship or a joint venture. Some could be joint Shareholding companies; they could be public or private. The business structure could also be classified between a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), or a Limited Liability Company (LLC) which essentially differ in owners and shareholders being responsible for losses (just the ones due to their negligence or mis-strategising in the former and exempting shareholders and owners of any charges whatsoever, to take responsibility for liability in the latter.

The Corporate Service Provider is the one that helps sets companies up in foreign countries for international business, by versing its owners and shareholders with the pros and cons of the locations, and the legalities for set-up. It also acquaints the people with the jurisdiction of the land and provides some necessary strategic advice.

What are the Benefits of Setting Up an Offshore Company?

The main highlights of setting up offshore companies are privacy, accessibility to the world market, tax recession and prevention of seizure of assets. A tax haven is where the tax levied on the trade or marketing is very little to none. If a business project is newer as compared to its other corresponding projects, then the former could get at par with the latter and grow in an unbridled way and make uncurbed profits, due to tax rebate, if set up as offshore companies. Corporate service providers or CSPs that the business projects enroll with also help it man oeuvre through pivotal resources that can help in growth and save legal consequences.

Hence, setting up an offshore company is highly beneficial owing to the following reasons:

∙         As discussed earlier, offshore companies don’t fall under the jurisdiction of the foreign land and can trade and not pay taxes on the income made

∙         Foreign ownership concerning those as mentioned above and especially the financial secrecy achieved through this system of functioning.

∙         The process of incorporating the offshore company in a foreign land is very quick and has very bare minimum requirements, which can be fulfilled very easily. The business project that is to be made into an offshore company should have at least one shareholder and one director.

∙         Offshore companies also offer protection against lawsuits by not letting the company’s assets get seized if there is some authentication problem, since the company functions as a different entity and its losses, interests and loans do not get transferred directly to the owner or shareholder. Hence, it safeguards assets and credits.

∙         In offshore companies, one can keep financial matters and business plans a complete mystery and a private affair of the company. It doesn’t have to show assets or pay taxes on the money incurred from all the projects.

∙         Unambiguity in business structure- be it an LLC, LLP, public or private shareholding, sole or joint proprietorship. The foreign offshore business laws are fair and reasonable.


The ease of operation of offshore companies has made them a great hit among new entrepreneurs and business people looking to grow their tributaries and legally en cash the tax avoidance. Since this process was greatly adopted in the public interest, special checks must be maintained. Confidentiality is charged in case of some investigations, and the assets are opened for a search, inspection and perusal. The ease of operation of offshore companies, due to the lesser number of governing and regulating laws and guidelines and tax recessions if one wants to interact locally too, opens up several new areas and combinations of business. Also, for any kind of legal help in this regard, get connected to the experts from Vakilsearch.

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