Copyright Registration Copyright Registration

Difference between Copyright and Patent – A Quick Overview

In this blog, there is a quick overview of Copyright and Patents and an explanation of how Patents differ from Copyrights.


Difference between Copyright and Patent – Intellectual property includes copyrights, patents, and trademarks, among other things (IP). Even though the three forms of Intellectual property (IP) are vastly different, they are often frequently confused.

Every business person expects that his company will grow without difficulty after effectively establishing and maintaining a business. It is scarce to have no issues, but it is quite possible to minimise them. You may come across many ways to minimise various challenges that you may encounter when setting up a business. as they say. Obtaining a Copyright Literary Work and patent is one of the most well-known and vital measures. They’re all distinct, but their goal is still the same: to keep your possessions secure.

Copyright and patent are two different terms that are sometimes mistaken; however, they are not the same. The only thing they have in common is that they both provide security and are legitimate.

Key Difference between Copyright and Patent



The Copyright Act of 1957 governs copyright. The Patents Act of 1970 controls patents.
Copyright is a special right given to artists and creators. It includes changing the work, making copies of it, and sharing it with others. A patent is a special right given by the government to protect an invention for a certain amount of time. It means that others can’t sell, copy, or bring in the invention without the inventor’s permission, according to the patent law.
Copyright doesn’t apply to all types of work. It’s usually used for things like poetry, music, movies, art, and photos. A patent keeps safe any new and unique improvements in technology.
A copyright lasts for 60 years. Even if the owner passes away, the copyright still exists. Patent  lasts for 20 years starting from the day it’s applied for.
When someone registers their copyright, they can make copies of their work and share it with others easily. When someone comes up with a new invention, like a special material or a specific way of doing something, they can get a patent for it.
The Copyright Act stops people from copying and making the same thing as someone else’s original work. A patent stops people from taking someone else’s invention idea and also stops them from selling or bringing in the same thing that was patented.
Artists and creators can ask for copyright registration whenever they want. Once an invention is shown to everyone or made available for sale, you can’t get a patent for it anymore.

Key Points to Remember on Copyright and Patent

  • Copyright is a special rule that helps authors, like writers and artists, protect their work. Patents, on the other hand, are for inventors who create new things
  • When companies want to keep their creative ideas safe, they use copyright. It’s mainly for things like art, music, and photos
  • Patents, however, are used to protect new technologies and medical devices
  • Copyright lasts a really long time, usually from 70 to 170 years, depending on the type of art. Patents, on the other hand, only last for 15 to 20 years.
Defend your artistic vision! Initiate copyright registration procedures now.

The Distinction Between a Copyright and a Patent

Basis Copyright Patent
Started In 1957; The Copyright Law came into existence. In 1970, The Patent Law came into existence.
What Information is Secured? Publications, stories, musicals, pictures, artworks, dances, audio recordings, cinematic films, and certain other masterpieces of ownership. Methods, equipment, manufacturing, chemical formulations, and modifications to these are examples of inventions.
Conservation of Needs A unique, innovative effort must be fixed in a tangible medium. A fresh, valuable, and unusual idea is required.
Preservation Period Seventy years to the entire story. Fifteen to twenty years.
Granting of Rights Copyrighted works have the right to control their replication, artistic works, circulation, public display, and broadcast. Right to prohibit others from manufacturing, distributing, or acquiring the patented idea.
Scope Copyright has a restricted scope of application. Patent has a broader range.
Registration Performers and innovators can register their copyright at any moment. A patent for an idea cannot be secured once it has been made publicly available and in the industry.

Difference between Copyright and Patent Importance

Intellectual property rights are categorised into two kinds: patents and copyrights. They typically provide security to something more than a high value that has a massive effect around the outside globe. The copyright covers only artistic works, whereas the patent safeguards discoveries.

The person who holds the rights has complete freedom to rewrite, redistribute, and remake their work. Only works that adhere to a visible mode of expression are protected under copyright law. The concept of Copyright objection reply is generated as soon as the creator accomplishes the work.

On the other hand, the patented innovation is distinctive and advocates originality and exclusivity to be divulged to the broader populace. It provides ground-breaking remedial measures to an issue that has endured for centuries. A patent doesn’t exist by default; the appropriate official must grant it.

Once your idea has been granted a license, you will have the freedom to use it on your grounds, whether it is for the goal of trading it or generating revenue for the company. In brief, the license grants the creator a special privilege that gives them complete control over the discoveries.

The idea does not become patentable unless converted into a physical form that provides answers to a situation. A patent can be secured for a technique, a combination of substances, or equipment in general.

Overview on Copyright

Copyright is a special protection given to authors of original works like stories, art, music, and more. It covers how the work is written, drawn, or played, but not the idea behind it.

The artist who owns the copyright has the right to share, sell, and make more copies of their work. Copyright only applies to things that can be seen or heard. As soon as the artist finishes creating, the copyright protection begins.

 For instance, you might see something like this in back of a book 

© 2023 Jane Doe

All rights reserved.

This copyright notice indicates that Jane Doe is the copyright owner of the book and that all rights pertaining to the book are reserved. The symbol ‘©’ represents the copyright symbol, followed by the year of first publication and the name of the copyright owner. The statement ‘All rights reserved’ indicates that the copyright owner reserves all exclusive rights granted under copyright law, including the rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the work.

What Exactly Is Copyright?

You immediately own a system of laws if you generate a new task. To visualise how these privileges can be used or licenced, think of them as a bunch of twigs, with each piece representing a unique right endowed in you as the proprietor. These privileges include reproducing the content, republishing, making copies, openly performing the work, and exhibiting the task.

You have the power to keep each “piece,” transmit them separately to one or more persons or transmit them to all too many persons as the copyright holder. Mechanical License, distribution, and other sorts of transmission can be used to accomplish this. Copyright protection gives us the ability to control how our creation is shared with the world.

Overview of Patent

A patent is a legal protection granted by a government to an inventor or assignee, providing exclusive rights to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a limited period of time. It serves as an incentive for innovation by granting inventors the right to prevent others from using their invention without permission. Patents are typically granted for novel and non-obvious inventions in various fields, including technology, medicine, and design. 

The patent system aims to encourage progress and stimulate economic growth by fostering innovation, promoting disclosure of inventions, and allowing inventors to benefit from their creations. Patents play a crucial role in protecting intellectual property and encouraging research and development in both established and emerging industries.

When the invention meets all the requirements, the person who made it gets the patent. This means they have the right to use the invention however they want. They can sell it or use it to start a business. The patent gives the inventor complete control over their invention.

Note: It’s important to know that a patent doesn’t apply to just an idea. It only applies when the idea becomes something real that solves a problem. Generally, patents can be given for things like processes, new materials, and equipment.

What Precisely Is a Patent?

The basic purpose of the patents act is to foster advancements and development. The patent system encourages researchers to reveal their ideas widely in exchange for certain limited rights. Discoveries are protected by patent protection. Truly innovative methods, equipment, industries, component formulations, and enhancements to these are examples of innovations. Some computer software may fall within the umbrella of intellectual property rights law. The patent act enhances intellectual property protection by safeguarding functional parts of technology that the law does not cover.

The patent procedure is costly, complicated, challenging, and lengthy and should normally only be performed with the help of a qualified legal adviser or consultant.


The forms of intellectual property: you’re looking to prevent will determine whether you acquire a patent or copyright. Whether it’s an actual invention, symbol, or artistic creation, licensing your idea with the relevant body can help you reap the rewards of your efforts.

Licensing is relatively complex, necessitating knowledge in both legal and technology. If your ideas represent the lifeblood of your organisation, you should take professional advice from a legal adviser. Begin by locating an expert related to intellectual property counsel in your area.

Volunteer Lawyers for the Art world is a group of professional aid groups offering free and low legal assistance to performers and micro-enterprises. These non-profit organisations are usually nationwide, so look for your province’s division.

If you thought you could be seeking damages, property rights experts typically offer free legal advice to assist you in figuring out if you have an issue. Some attorneys will represent you for no charge up ahead in exchange for a percentage of the possible rewards.

Whichever pathway you take, you must understand your performance rights in Copyright Law. Your intellectual property is perhaps the most valuable resource you hold as a sole proprietor or creative. Make sure the correct you treat it as such.

Patents and copyrights are special rules that protect things that are important and unique. They help keep things safe and prevent others from copying them. Copyright is for creative things like art, while patents are for protecting new inventions. We hope this explanation helps you understand the difference between copyright and patent. If you want a quicker copyright registration though, top legal experts get in touch with Vakilsearch. We offer flawless copyright and patent registration.

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About the Author

Sanjay, a Corporate & Contract Law Consultant at Vakilsearch, is a B.A. LL.B. graduate. He specializes in drafting and managing legal agreements, including NDAs, shareholder agreements, finance agreements, consultancy agreements, service-level agreements, franchise agreements, joint ventures, and employment contracts.

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