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Can I register an LLP without CA/CS attestation?

Registering an LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) in India primarily involves an online procedure facilitated through the Ministry of Corporate Affairs' website. However, certain essential documents are mandatory for the registration process, including the partner's ID proof, address proof, and residence proof.

The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) structure has gained immense popularity among entrepreneurs and small business owners due to its flexible nature and limited liability protection. Registering an LLP is a crucial step for those looking to start a business in this form, but it often comes with various legal and procedural requirements. One common question that arises is whether it’s possible to register an LLP without the attestation of a Chartered Accountant (CA) or Company Secretary (CS). In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of LLP registration, the role of CAs and CSs, and whether it’s possible to go through the process without their attestation.

Understanding the LLP Registration Process

Before we discuss the need for CA/CS attestation, it’s essential to understand the basic steps involved in registering an LLP in India:

Obtaining Digital Signatures (DSCs): The first step is to obtain DSCs for all the designated partners of the LLP. DSCs are required to file documents electronically with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).

Director Identification Number (DIN): Each designated partner must obtain a DIN by filing Form DIR-3.

Name Reservation: The next step is to reserve a name for your LLP through Form RUN-LLP. The proposed name should adhere to the MCA’s naming guidelines.

Drafting LLP Agreement: Draft the LLP agreement, which outlines the rights, duties, and responsibilities of partners and other essential aspects of the LLP.

Filing Incorporation Documents: File the incorporation documents (Form FiLLiP) with the Registrar of Companies (RoC). These documents include the LLP agreement, subscription sheet, and other essential details.

Payment of Fees: Pay the prescribed fees for incorporation based on the LLP’s capital contribution.

Certificate of Incorporation: Once the RoC is satisfied with the documents and payment, they issue a Certificate of Incorporation, officially establishing the LLP.

Role of Chartered Accountants (CAs) and Company Secretaries (CSs) in LLP Registration

Chartered Accountants (CAs) and Company Secretaries (CSs) play crucial roles in various financial and legal matters, including business incorporation. In the context of LLP registration, their involvement primarily relates to the attestation of certain documents and providing professional advice. Here’s how they are involved:

CA Attestation: CAs are often required to provide certificates concerning the financial aspects of the LLP, such as the capital contribution and declaration of solvency. These certificates are part of the LLP incorporation documents and need to be submitted to the RoC.

CS Attestation: While not mandatory for LLP registration, CSs can be valuable in helping draft the LLP agreement and ensuring compliance with legal requirements. They can also provide expert guidance on corporate governance matters.

Is CA/CS Attestation Mandatory for LLP Registration?

Now that we have a basic understanding of the LLP registration process and the roles of CAs and CSs, let’s address the central question: Is CA/CS attestation mandatory for LLP registration?

The answer is that CA/CS attestation is not mandatory for the entire LLP registration process. However, certain documents and certificates that are part of the incorporation process may require CA attestation. These include:

Statement of Accounts and Solvency: Form 8, which contains the statement of accounts and solvency, must be certified by a practising CA.Declaration by Designated Partners: Form 4, which includes the declaration by designated partners, also requires a CA’s certification.

These documents are vital for the RoC to ensure the financial stability and solvency of the LLP, which aligns with the principle of limited liability. The CA’s attestation confirms that the LLP has sufficient assets to cover its liabilities.

On the other hand, while CS attestation is not mandatory for LLP registration, the expertise of a Company Secretary can be immensely beneficial in drafting the LLP agreement, ensuring compliance with legal requirements, and providing guidance on corporate governance matters.

Advantages of CA/CS Involvement in LLP Registration

While it’s clear that CA/CS attestation is not mandatory for all aspects of LLP registration, there are several advantages to having their involvement in the process:

Financial Credibility: Chartered Accountant attestation adds a layer of financial credibility to the LLP, reassuring stakeholders that the business is financially stable.

Legal Compliance: CSs can help ensure that the LLP agreement and other documents are in compliance with the Companies Act, 2013, and other relevant regulations.

Professional Guidance: Both CAs and CSs can provide valuable professional guidance throughout the LLP registration process, helping entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of business formation.

Risk Mitigation: Their involvement can help prevent legal and financial issues down the road by ensuring that all necessary compliance requirements are met from the outset.

When Can You Avoid CA/CS Attestation?

While CA attestation is required for certain documents, there are situations in which you can avoid the need for CA/CS involvement in your LLP company incorporation:

Zero Capital Contribution: If your LLP has zero capital contribution, you may not need CA attestation for the statement of accounts and solvency, as there are no financial transactions to report.

DIY Approach: If you have a strong understanding of the legal and financial aspects of LLP registration, you can take a DIY approach and prepare the necessary documents yourself. However, this approach can be time-consuming and risky if you’re not well-versed in these matters.

Minimal Financial Transactions: If your LLP engages in minimal financial transactions and you are confident in your ability to manage financial records, you may not require constant CA oversight.

It’s important to note that even if you can avoid CA/CS attestation for certain documents, their expertise can still be valuable in ensuring that your LLP operates smoothly and in compliance with the law.


In conclusion, while CA/CS attestation is not mandatory for the entire LLP registration process, it is required for specific documents related to financial aspects and solvency. Their involvement can provide financial credibility, legal compliance, and professional guidance, which can be invaluable for a new LLP. However, there are situations in which you can avoid CA/CS attestation, such as when there is no capital contribution or when you have a strong understanding of the legal and financial requirements. Ultimately, the decision to involve CAs and CSs in your LLP registration should be based on your specific needs, resources, and expertise. Consulting with Vakilsearch professionals can help you make an informed choice and ensure a smooth registration process for your LLP.

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