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What is the validity of a trademark certificate?

The validity of a trademark certificate typically lasts for ten years, starting from the date of registration. However, it can be renewed indefinitely, ensuring ongoing protection for your brand identity. Learn more about trademark duration and renewal in our blog


In India’s business world right now, trademarks play a pivotal role. They are the protector of a company’s identity, a symbol that resonates with consumers, and a valuable asset in the world of commerce. Trademarks provide exclusive rights to use a particular name, logo, or symbol for goods or services, thus preventing others from trading under the same mark. However, it is crucial for trademark owners to understand the validity of a trademark certificate in India and when it needs to be renewed to protect their intellectual property effectively.

Here we will look into the details of trademark validity in India. We will discuss the duration of a trademark’s validity, the renewal process, and the significance of maintaining a robust trademark protection strategy.

The Foundation of Trademark Validity

1.1 What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a distinctive symbol, logo, name, word, or combination of these elements that helps consumers identify and distinguish the goods or services of one business from those of others. In India, trademarks can include names, labels, devices, or a combination of these.

1.2 The Importance of Trademarks

Trademarks are essential for businesses in establishing brand identity, ensuring consumer trust, and protecting their unique intellectual property. They enable consumers to make informed choices while shopping and allow businesses to build and maintain brand loyalty.

Understanding the Duration of Trademark Validity

2.1 Initial Validity Period

In India, trademark registration is initially valid for a period of ten years from the date of registration. This means that once you successfully register your trademark, you have exclusive rights to use it for a decade.

2.2 Renewal After Ten Years

Once the initial ten-year period expires, trademark owners must take action to ensure the continued protection of their mark. To extend the validity of the trademark registration, they must apply for renewal.

The Renewal Process

3.1 When to Renew

Trademark owners can file for renewal at any time within six months before the expiration of the initial ten-year period or within six months after it expires. Failing to renew within this grace period can lead to the loss of trademark protection.

3.2 Documentation and Fees

To renew a trademark in India, the following steps must be taken:

  • Complete the Renewal Application: Trademark owners must fill out Form TM-R and submit it to the Trademark Registry. This form can be filed online or physically at the appropriate Trademark Office.
  • Pay the Renewal Fee: A renewal fee, as prescribed by the government, must be paid along with the application.
  • Verification and Processing: The Trademark Registry will review the renewal application and verify the accuracy of the information provided. If everything is in order, the trademark will be renewed.

3.3 Consequences of Not Renewing

Failure to renew a trademark can have severe consequences. Without a valid trademark, businesses lose exclusive rights to use their brand name or logo. This opens the door for other entities to use the same or a similar mark, potentially leading to confusion among consumers and dilution of the brand’s distinctiveness.

Beyond Renewal – Maintaining Trademark Validity

4.1 Regular Monitoring

Trademark owners must actively monitor the market to ensure that their mark is not being used without authorisation. This proactive approach helps in identifying potential infringements early and taking appropriate legal action to protect the trademark.

4.2 Trademark Watch Services

Many businesses opt for trademark watch services that provide ongoing monitoring of trademark databases and marketplaces for potential infringements. These services can be a valuable tool in safeguarding a trademark’s validity.

4.3 Enforcement of Rights

In cases of trademark infringement, trademark owners have legal recourse to protect their rights. They can initiate legal proceedings, including sending cease-and-desist letters, filing infringement lawsuits, and seeking damages or injunctions.

Extra Information to Know

5.1 Collective and Certification Marks

In addition to standard trademarks, India also recognises collective and certification marks. Collective marks are owned by an association of producers or traders, while certification marks indicate that goods or services meet certain standards set by an organisation. The validity and renewal processes for these marks may differ slightly from standard trademarks.

5.2 International Trademarks

For businesses looking to expand globally, it’s essential to consider international trademark registration through systems like the Madrid Protocol. While this doesn’t affect the validity of a trademark in India, it can simplify the process of obtaining trademark protection in multiple countries.


In the ever-changing world of business, trademarks are the foundation of brand identity and trust. Knowing the validity of trademarks in India is crucial for protecting your intellectual property.

Initially, a trademark in India is valid for ten years, requiring renewal through proper documentation and fees. Failure to renew can risk brand identity and market standing.

But renewal is only part of trademark care. To ensure validity, monitor the market, consider trademark watch services, and be ready to enforce your rights. For more guidance, contact Vakilsearch experts today.

FAQs on Validity of trademark certificates in India:

What is the initial validity period of a trademark registration in India?

The initial validity of a trademark registration in India is ten years from the date of registration. After this period, it needs to be renewed to maintain its validity.

When should I renew my trademark registration in India?

You can renew your trademark registration in India at any time within six months before the expiration of the initial ten-year period or within six months after it expires. Failing to renew within this grace period can result in the loss of trademark protection.

What is the process for renewing a trademark registration in India?

To renew your trademark, you must complete the Renewal Application (Form TM-R) and submit it to the Trademark Registry. You'll also need to pay the renewal fee specified by the government. The Trademark Registry will review your application, and if everything is in order, your trademark will be renewed.

What happens if I don't renew my trademark registration on time?

Failure to renew your trademark registration on time can lead to the loss of trademark protection. This means that other entities may be able to use a similar or identical mark, potentially causing confusion among consumers and dilution of your brand's distinctiveness.

Is trademark renewal the only step in maintaining the validity of a trademark?

No, trademark renewal is just one aspect of trademark management. To maintain the validity of your trademark, it's important to actively monitor the market for potential infringements, consider using trademark watch services, and be prepared to enforce your rights legally when necessary.

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