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Difference Between Winding Up and Striking Off a Company in India

Explore the key differences between winding up and striking off a company in India.

Difference Between Winding Up and Striking Off a Company in India

In the dynamic world of business, companies may reach a crossroads where they need to consider closure or cessation of operations. In India, two primary methods are used to conclude a company’s existence: winding up and striking off. These processes have distinct characteristics, implications, and procedures. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the significant differences between winding up and striking off a company in India, helping you make informed decisions about your company’s future.

Understanding Winding Up

Winding up, often referred to as liquidation, is the legal process of closing down a company’s operations, selling its assets, and distributing the proceeds to its creditors and shareholders. It is typically initiated when a company faces insurmountable financial difficulties, and its liabilities outweigh its assets. 

Let’s explore some key aspects of winding up:

Voluntary vs. Compulsory Winding Up:

   – Voluntary Winding Up: This occurs when the shareholders of a company decide to voluntarily close it down. It can be either members’ voluntary winding up (when the company is solvent) or creditors’ voluntary winding up (when the company is insolvent).

   – Compulsory Winding Up: Similar to the procedures followed during company registration in India, compulsory winding up is a court-driven process initiated by creditors, members, or the company itself due to financial distress or non-compliance with legal requirements.

Liquidator’s Role:

   – A liquidator, appointed by the company or the court, manages the winding-up process. The liquidator’s primary responsibility is to maximize the realization of assets and distribute them to creditors and shareholders in a prescribed manner.

Priority of Payments:

   – During winding up, payments are made in a specific order of priority: first to secured creditors, then to unsecured creditors, followed by the distribution of any remaining assets to shareholders.

Understanding Striking Off

Striking off a company, on the other hand, is a less complex and more administrative procedure. It is typically employed when a company is non-operational, has no significant assets or liabilities, or wishes to cease its existence without going through the complexities of liquidation. 

Let’s explore the key aspects of striking off:

Voluntary Striking Off:

   – A company can initiate the process of striking off of company voluntarily if it meets certain conditions. This is a straightforward and cost-effective way to close down a company that no longer serves its purpose.

Registrar of Companies (ROC) Initiated Striking Off:

   – The ROC can also initiate the striking-off process if a company has not complied with statutory requirements, has remained inactive for an extended period, or has failed to commence business within a specified time frame.

Cost-Effective and Administrative:

   – Striking off is generally more cost-effective and less time-consuming compared to winding up. It involves filing the necessary forms with the ROC, settling outstanding compliance issues, and publishing a public notice.

Key Differences

Now that we have an overview of both processes, let’s highlight the key distinctions between winding up and striking off:

Financial Status:

   – Winding Up of company: Typically initiated when a company is financially distressed and unable to meet its obligations.

   – Striking Off: Suited for companies with no significant assets, liabilities, or operational activities.

Voluntary vs. Involuntary:

   – Winding Up: Can be initiated either voluntarily by shareholders or involuntarily through court proceedings.

   – Striking Off: Can be initiated voluntarily by the company or involuntarily by the ROC for non-compliance.

Liquidation vs. Administrative Closure:

   – Winding Up: Involves the appointment of a liquidator to oversee the sale of assets and distribution of proceeds.

   – Striking Off: Involves administrative procedures such as filing forms, clearing compliance issues, and publishing notices.

Complexity and Cost:

   – Winding Up: Generally more complex, time-consuming, and costly, particularly if court proceedings are involved.

   – Striking Off: Simpler, more cost-effective, and less time-consuming.


Can a solvent company opt for striking off instead of winding up?

Yes, a solvent company that meets the necessary conditions can choose to strike off voluntarily, avoiding the complexities of winding up.

What happens to pending legal proceedings during winding up?

Legal proceedings against the company are stayed once winding-up proceedings commence. Creditors must file claims with the liquidator.

Are there any restrictions on initiating striking off for a company with pending compliance issues?

Yes, a company seeking to strike off must first rectify any compliance issues, such as filing overdue financial statements and annual returns.


Choosing between winding up and striking off a company in India depends on the company’s financial health, operational status, and compliance with legal requirements. 

Winding up is a comprehensive process suitable for financially distressed companies while striking off offers a simpler and more cost-effective solution for non-operational or compliant entities. Understanding the differences between these two methods is crucial for making informed decisions about the future of your company. 

If you’re unsure which path to take, it’s advisable to consult with legal and financial experts from Vakilsearch who can guide you through the process and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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