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8 Biggest Mutual Fund Investment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Mutual funds can be a great way to invest, but it's important to avoid common mistakes like investing without a plan and overreacting to market volatility.


Mutual fund investment is a popular way to build financial security. However, like any investment, mutual funds come with risks and potential problems.  Both new and experienced investors need to know these mistakes so they can make smart and successful investment decisions.


Some of the top mistakes investors make when investing in mutual funds  include chasing past performance, failing to diversify their portfolio adequately, and not understanding the fees and expenses associated with funds. Other mutual fund investment errors like overreacting to short-term market fluctuations, neglecting to review and rebalance their investments periodically, and not underestimating the importance of a long-term investment horizon is also a major concern. Mutual fund investors should know these investing mistakes that can help investors make more informed and successful mutual fund investments. In this blog we have given a run through of 8 biggest mutual fund investment mistakes.

8 Biggest Mutual Fund Investment Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Ignoring Expense Ratio: Expense ratio is a percentage of a mutual fund’s assets that goes towards covering its operating expenses. Long-term investor returns are often higher for lower expenditure ratios. Expense ratios are often disregarded by investors when selecting mutual funds, but over time, they may have a big influence on results.

Lack of Diversification: Investing in a range of diverse assets is known as diversification, and its goal is to lower risk. Investing in one or a few mutual funds allows many investors to place all of their eggs in one basket. If one of those funds performs poorly, this might be dangerous. Investors should diversify their portfolios by investing in a variety of different fund types, such as large-cap, small-cap, international, and bond funds.

Market Timing: Market timing is the attempt to predict when the stock market will go up or down and to invest or sell accordingly. Successful market timing is extremely difficult to achieve; even seasoned investors frequently struggle with it. Investors are better off focusing on long-term investing and ignoring short-term market movements.

Ignoring Fund Performance: Investors must periodically assess the mutual fund performance and adjust their portfolios as necessary. A fund should probably be sold and replaced if it is continuously underperforming its benchmark index.

Overlooking Fund Expenses: Mutual funds impose additional expenses, such sales commissions and redemption fees, in addition to expense ratios. Before making an investment, investors should be informed of all the costs related to a mutual fund.

Chasing Hot Funds: Investors who have been making good returns recently may find themselves attracted to invest in mutual funds. But previous success does not guarantee future achievement. Investors ought to concentrate on selecting mutual funds that fit their investing objectives and risk tolerance, as well as those with a strong long-term track record.

Neglecting Risk Assessment: Before investing in any mutual fund, investors should assess their own risk tolerance. Bond funds or balanced funds may be more appealing to risk-averse investors, while equity funds may be more suitable for those who are more ready to take on some degree of risk.

Failing to Rebalance: Rebalancing is the process of changing a portfolio’s asset allocation to make sure it continues to reflect the investor’s risk tolerance and investing objectives. Investors should rebalance their portfolios on a regular basis, ideally once a year.

Did You Know: On 21 March 1924, the Massachusetts Investors Trust was founded as the first open-end mutual fund with redeemable shares. The fund is still in operation today and is overseen by MFS Investment Management.

Mutual Fund Investment Advantages

Returns: Compared to alternative investment choices like savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs), mutual funds may yield better returns for investors. This is because mutual funds make long-term investments in a wide range of assets, which helps to lower risk and increase returns.

Diversification: Investors can easily access a diverse array of assets through mutual funds. This implies that instead of selecting specific securities, investors might invest in a wide range of stocks, bonds, and other assets. By dispersing an investor’s funds throughout several asset types, diversification lowers risk.

Professional Management: Professional investment managers who possess the necessary knowledge and experience to make wise investment decisions oversee mutual funds. For investors who lack the time or expertise to handle their own assets, this may be a big benefit.

Accessibility: Mutual funds are generally accessible to all types of investors, regardless of their net worth or investment experience. Investors can invest in mutual funds with as little as ₹5000.

Liquidity: Mutual funds are generally liquid assets, meaning that investors can easily buy and sell them. This can be important for investors who need to access their money quickly.

Cost Efficiency: An affordable option for investing is provided by mutual funds. This is so that they may invest in a wider range of assets at cheaper prices than individual investors could do on their own. Mutual funds do this by pooling the money of several investors together.

Tax Efficiency: Some types of mutual funds, such as index funds and ETFs, can be tax-efficient investments. This is because they usually provide less capital gains taxes for investors due to their low turnover rates.

Mutual Fund Investment Disadvantages

Market Volatility: Due to market risk, the performance of the underlying assets may have an impact on the value of mutual funds. Your investment may lose value in the event of a market downturn.

Fees and Expenses: Many mutual funds charge various fees and expenses, including management fees, load fees, and 12b-1 fees. These expenses have the potential to lower your profits and your investment’s overall profitability.

Capital Gains Taxes: Capital gains may result from a mutual fund manager’s purchases and sales of securities inside the fund. If shareholders did not sell their shares directly, they could still be responsible for capital gains taxes on these transactions. Investors may have tax repercussions as a result of this.

Interesting fact: In 1963, the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India launched the Unit Trust of India (UTI), the country’s first mutual fund, with the overarching goal of encouraging saving and investment and participation in the income, profits and gains accruing to the Corporation from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of securities.

Mutual Fund Investment Tips

Guidance from an Investment Advisor: An investment advisor plays a crucial role in helping you make informed decisions regarding the selection of the right mutual funds aligned with your investment objectives and risk tolerance. They can also assist in crafting a well-diversified portfolio and provide ongoing monitoring of your investments.

Understanding Risk Tolerance: Your risk tolerance signifies the level of risk that you are comfortable with when it comes to your investments. It’s essential to opt for mutual funds that align with your specific risk tolerance to ensure a harmonious investment strategy.

The Power of Diversification: The deliberate practice of spreading your investments among a variety of different assets is known as diversification. This method makes sure all of your assets aren’t in one spot and successfully reduces overall risk. The durability of your financial portfolio is increased by diversification.

Analysing Expense Ratios: Expense ratio denotes the percentage of your investment capital used to cover the operating expenses of the fund. While selecting mutual funds, lower expenditure ratios should be taken into account as they may improve your long-term returns.

Evaluating Fund Managers: Fund managers bear the responsibility of managing the assets within the fund. It is important to scrutinise the track record of the fund manager when selecting a fund. You can assess the fund’s historical performance and compare it to its peer funds to gauge the competence and effectiveness of the manager.

Best suggestion: Get in touch with a fund manager or a senior CA for more detailed and tailor made information. In Just 30 minutes they will help you assess your risk appetite and come to a proper conclusion. Talk to our experts right away!

Strategies for Successful Long-Term Investing with Mutual Funds

Making an informed decision for investments is crucial for getting proper ROI. Here are few tips for you to craft a proper strategy for your investment. 

Understand Your Risk Tolerance: Mutual funds are available in a range of risk profiles, from high-risk equities funds to low-risk bond funds. Selecting funds that are suitable for your level of risk tolerance is crucial. A financial advisor can assist you in determining your level of risk tolerance if you are unsure of it.

Diversify Your Portfolio: By investing in a variety of funds, you can reduce your overall risk. This means investing in funds with different asset classes (e.g., equity, debt, and hybrid) and different sectors (e.g., technology, healthcare, and financials).

Consider Expense Ratio: The percentage of your investment that is deducted to pay for the fund’s running costs is known as the expense ratio. Over time, lower spending ratios may result in larger returns. You can always use the Vakilsearch Mutual fund calculator to calculate your expected returns from the mutual funds. 

Evaluate fund manager’s track record: The assets of the fund must be invested by fund managers. It is crucial to take the fund manager’s performance history into account when selecting a fund. You may review the fund’s historical performance and evaluate it against similar funds.

Monitor Your Investments Regularly: It’s critical to routinely check on your mutual fund investments once you’ve made an investment. This entails reviewing the fund’s performance to ensure that it continues to correspond with your investing objectives. If not, you might have to modify your portfolio.

Reinvest your dividends and capital gains: This will help your investments grow faster over time.

Rebalance Your Portfolio Regularly: You might need to rebalance your portfolio as your assets increase and your tolerance for risk shifts. To preserve your intended asset allocation, this entails selling some of your winnings and purchasing more of your losers.

Biggest Mutual fund loss: The Primary Reserve Fund made headlines during the 2008 financial crisis when it ‘broke the buck’.  This alarming event signalled that the net asset value of the fund had fallen below $1 per share, revealing the extent of the crisis and causing significant concern among investors. This incident played a pivotal role in reshaping regulations and oversight in the mutual fund industry to prevent such disruptions in the future.

Financial Advisors in Mutual Fund Investments

Financial advisors play a crucial role in guiding investors through the complex world of mutual fund investments. These professionals provide valuable expertise and personalised recommendations to help individuals make informed decisions about their financial goals. Whether it’s selecting the right mutual funds, creating a diversified portfolio, or managing risk, financial advisors help clients navigate the ever-changing market landscape, ultimately working towards the goal of achieving financial security and growth. Here are few methods on how financial advisors charge and how to consult them: 

  • Fee-only financial advisors: These advisors charge a fee for their services, and they do not receive commissions from selling mutual funds. This means that their advice is unbiased and in your best interests.
  • Independent financial advisors (IFAs): IFAs are not affiliated with any one mutual fund company, so they can offer you a wider range of investment options. They may charge a fee for their services, or they may receive commissions from selling mutual funds.
  • Mutual fund distributors: Mutual fund distributors are registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to sell mutual funds. They typically receive commissions from the mutual fund companies whose products they sell.
Disclaimer: The blog is  just for informational purposes and does not suggest or support investment of any kind. Remember mutual funds are subject to market risks. It’s paramount to consult investment experts before making investments. Vakilsearch does not endorse and does not recommend making investments to the readers. 


In the world of mutual fund investments, avoiding common mistakes is the key to unlocking your financial success. The 8 Biggest Mutual Fund Investment Mistakes highlight the pitfalls that can hinder your wealth-building journey. Our team of experienced Chartered Accountants is dedicated to helping you make informed decisions, steer clear of these investment blunders, and ensure your hard-earned money grows to its full potential. At Vakilsearch, we understand the importance of making sound financial decisions. Let our Online CA services guide you towards a brighter and more secure financial future. Don’t let mistakes hold you back – invest wisely with Vakilsearch!

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