Rain in coastal districts in T.N. till November 4

- An upper air circulation situated in the Southwest Bay of Bengal and off the north coast of Sri Lanka, is causing light to moderate rains over the coastal districts of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. - The Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) in Chennai, which announced the onset of the Northeast monsoon on October 29, has forecast thunder storms accompanied by lightning at isolated locations as well till November 4.


- The rains and cloudy skies have brought down the temperature in Chennai city and it’s surroundings. - The Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) in Chennai, which announced the onset of the Northeast monsoon on October 29, has forecast thunder storms accompanied by lightning at isolated locations as well till November 4.


Weather Activity in the last 24 hours:


- During the last 24 hours, Northeast monsoon remained active over coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. - Light to moderate rain with few heavy spells occurred over coastal Andhra Pradesh, Coastal Tamil Nadu and parts of Kerala. - Light rain and snow occurred over Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Muzaffarabad. - Isolated light rain occurred over Interior Tamil Nadu.

Weather Activity in the next 24 hours:


- During  next 24 hours, moderate rain with few heavy spells is possible over coastal Andhra Pradesh & Coastal Tamil Nadu. - Light to moderate rain may occur over Interior Tamil Nadu, Kerala, South Interior Karnataka & Rayalaseema. - Light rain and snow with one or two moderate spells may occur over Gilgit-Baltistan, Muzaffarabad, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir & Himachal Pradesh. - Isolated light rain & snow may occur over Uttarakhand.

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