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Agri-Clinics And Agri Business Centres Scheme

The Agri Clinics and Agri-Business Centres (ACABC) Scheme is a transformative initiative to boost rural agriculture and foster entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. Launched to address the challenges faced by small and marginal farmers, this scheme provides a platform for individuals to receive specialised training and establish Agri Clinics or Agri-Business Centres


The Agri Clinics and Agri-Business Centres (ACABC) scheme is under the implementation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India, while NABARD serves as the conduit for subsidies.

This initiative is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  • Complement public extension services by offering farmers extension and other forms of assistance, either through payment or free of charge, aligned with the business model of agri-preneurs, local requirements, and the financial capacity of the targeted farmer group.
  • Provide backing for agricultural progress.
  • Generate self-employment prospects for unemployed agricultural graduates, agricultural diploma holders, individuals with intermediate qualifications in agriculture, and graduates with a postgraduate degree in agri-related disciplines.

Agri Clinic

Within the framework of the ACABC scheme, Agri-Clinics are conceptualised to furnish farmers with expert guidance and services in order to amplify crop and animal productivity and consequently augment farmers’ earnings.

These clinics provide expertise in various domains, such as:

  • Soil health management.
  • Crop cultivation practices.
  • Plant safeguarding.
  • Crop insurance.
  • Clinical services for animals encompassing feed and fodder management.
  • Post-harvest technologies.
  • Market-related information like crop prices.

Agri-Business Centres

Agri-Business Centres constitute business establishments initiated by trained agricultural professionals. These commercial ventures may involve activities like the maintenance and rental of agricultural equipment, the sale of agricultural inputs, and the provision of diverse services in the agricultural sector and related domains. This encompasses post-harvest management and establishing connections to markets, all geared towards generating income and fostering the development of entrepreneurship.

The ACABC scheme encompasses comprehensive financial support for training and mentoring, along with provisions for loans and credit-linked composite subsidies at the backend.

  • Maintenance and rental of farm equipment.
  • Sale of agricultural inputs.
  • Provision of various services in agriculture and allied areas.
  • Post-harvest management.
  • Establishment of market linkages for income generation and entrepreneurship development.

Financial Support under the Scheme:

  • Comprehensive training and mentoring support.
  • Provision of loans and credit-linked back-end composite subsidies.

Agri Clinic and Agribusiness Centres Scheme (ACABC Scheme)

Agriclinics and agribusiness centres emerge as crucial assets in the agricultural landscape, serving as invaluable resources that contribute significantly to the welfare and advancement of farmers. These centres play a multifaceted role by providing essential services and support, facilitating access to crucial inputs, and creating avenues for farmers to enhance their agricultural practices and economic prospects.

Agriclinics: Enriching Farming Practices

Agriclinics, at their core, serve as knowledge hubs that offer a range of specialised services to farmers. They prove instrumental in various ways, including:

Soil Testing and Nutrient Management:

Agriclinics offer soil testing services that enable farmers to gain insights into the nutrient composition of their soil. Armed with this knowledge, farmers can make informed decisions regarding the application of fertilisers and soil amendments. This aids in achieving optimal soil health and fostering productive crops.

Plant Problem Identification: 

These clinics are equipped to identify and address plant diseases and pest infestations. By accurately diagnosing issues that affect crop health, agriclinics empower farmers to implement targeted solutions, thereby safeguarding their crops and minimising losses.

Crop Health Optimisation: 

Expert advice on crop health is a cornerstone of agriclinic services. Farmers receive guidance on implementing best practices for crop management, irrigation, and cultivation. This guidance contributes to improved yields, enhanced quality, and overall sustainable agricultural practices.

Agribusiness centres: Empowering Farming Enterprises

Agribusiness centres are instrumental in advancing farmers’ businesses through a comprehensive suite of resources and support, including:

Access to Essential Inputs: 

These centres provide farmers with access to a variety of critical inputs such as high-quality seeds, fertilisers, and agricultural tools. This access lays the foundation for productive farming and improved crop outcomes.

Guidance and Expertise: 

Agribusiness centres offer guidance and advisory services that help farmers make informed decisions. Expert advice spans areas like crop selection, cultivation techniques, and market trends, allowing farmers to optimise their strategies.

Market Linkages: 

A significant advantage of agribusiness centres is their ability to establish connections with markets. By bridging the gap between farmers and potential buyers, these centres enable farmers to secure better prices for their produce, contributing to enhanced profitability.

Tools for Progress: 

From modern farming equipment to advanced technology, agribusiness centres equip farmers with the tools required to streamline their operations, increase efficiency, and scale up their agricultural enterprises.

The ACABC Scheme, agriclinics and agribusiness centres operate in harmony to cater to all the farmers’ requirements. Agriclinics, within the framework of the scheme, concentrate on dispensing valuable insights, pinpointing challenges, and steering farmers towards the most effective strategies for crop management. In parallel, agribusiness centres, also integral components of the ACABC Scheme, furnish indispensable resources, seasoned guidance, and important market connections, all of which collectively uplift farming enterprises. The concerted efforts of the scheme will help create an impact on the empowerment and prosperity of farmers, thereby propelling agricultural development and fostering economic growth within rural communities.

Difference Between Agribusiness Centres and Agriclinics

Agribusiness centres and Agriclinics are both important parts of the ACABC Scheme, but they serve different purposes to help farmers in distinct ways:


  • Focus: Agriclinics mainly provide knowledge and advice to farmers.
  • Services: They help with things like identifying plant problems, improving soil health, and offering guidance on how to grow crops better.
  • Expertise: Agriclinics have experts who can diagnose and solve issues that affect crops and plants.
  • Benefit: Farmers can learn better ways to take care of their crops and increase their yields.

Agribusiness centres:

  • Focus: Agribusiness centres are like stores for farmers, providing resources and services.
  • Resources: They offer tools, seeds, fertilisers, and other things farmers need for their farms.
  • Guidance: They also give advice on what to grow and how to manage the business side of farming.
  • Market Access: Agribusiness centres help farmers connect with buyers to sell their products.
  • Benefit: Farmers can get everything they need to improve their farming business in one place.

How Agriclinics Help Farmers

Agriclinics are like helpful learning centres for farmers, offering special guidance that greatly improves their farming efforts. These clinics focus on important areas that are essential for successful farming.

For instance, agriclinics assist farmers in improving their soil health. They offer services like soil testing, which helps farmers understand the nutrients present in their soil. This information helps farmers choose the right fertilisers, resulting in healthier soil and better crops.

Additionally, agriclinics are skilled at identifying and solving plant-related problems. Whether it’s figuring out plant diseases or dealing with pests, these clinics provide targeted solutions to protect crops and reduce losses. Moreover, agriclinics provide valuable advice on how to keep crops healthy. This advice covers various aspects such as best practices for managing crops, effective irrigation methods, and smart cultivation techniques. By following these suggestions, farmers can significantly increase their crop yields and ensure sustainable farming practices.

How Agribusiness Centres Help Farmers

Agribusiness centres are like helpful stores for farmers, offering a wide range of resources and services that contribute to their growth and success. These centres act as complete support systems, catering to different needs that farmers have.

One of the main roles of agribusiness centres is to provide farmers with essential resources. This includes things like good-quality seeds, fertilisers, and modern farming tools. These resources are the building blocks of productive and efficient farming operations, helping farmers achieve better results.

Moreover, agribusiness centres offer expert advice that empowers farmers to make informed choices. This advice covers everything from selecting the right crops to using efficient cultivation methods. Additionally, these centres help farmers connect with potential buyers by creating valuable market connections. This enables farmers to sell their produce at better prices and expand their presence in the market, ultimately leading to more profits.

By introducing modern technology, agribusiness centres equip farmers with tools and equipment that make their work smoother. This increased efficiency not only boosts productivity but also helps farmers manage their farming businesses more effectively.

Benefits of ACABC Scheme

Soil health: This involves analysing soil to understand its nutrient composition and pH levels, along with offering guidance on enhancing soil quality.

Cropping practices: This encompasses offering recommendations regarding the selection of crops, planting methods, irrigation techniques, and strategies for managing pests.

Plant protection: This relates to furnishing advice on shielding crops from potential harm caused by pests and diseases.

Crop insurance: This pertains to a form of insurance that safeguards farmers from financial losses resulting from unsuccessful crops.

Post-harvest technology: This involves dispensing advice on how to effectively store and market harvested agricultural products.

Clinical services for animals: This includes providing veterinary care for animals, encompassing services like vaccinations and disease treatment.

Feed and fodder management: This covers guidance on how to properly nourish and oversee livestock animals.

Prices of various crops in the market: This entails supplying information about prevailing market prices for different types of crops.

Documents Required

  • Aadhaar Number
  • Email ID
  • Latest Educational Qualification
  • Bank Account Details
  • Applicant Photo


1. What is the ACABC Scheme?

The ACABC Scheme, or Agri Clinic and Agri-Business Centre Scheme, is an initiative by the Indian government to aid farmers and entrepreneurs in agriculture. It focuses on modern practices, guidance, and entrepreneurship.

2. Who can apply for the Scheme?

For application, the age range is 18 to 60. Educational qualifications include a degree in agriculture or related subjects, a diploma with 50% marks, a postgraduate diploma in agriculture, a biological science degree with a postgraduate in agriculture, or intermediate-level agriculture courses with 55% marks.

3. When was the Agri Clinic and Agri-Business Scheme launched?

The scheme was launched to help small and marginal farmers by offering training and support for setting up Agri Clinics and Agri-Business Centres, boosting rural agriculture and entrepreneurship.

4. What is the Agriclinic Agribusiness Centre Scheme?

The ACABC Scheme empowers rural agriculture and entrepreneurship through Agri Clinics providing expert guidance and Agri-Business Centres offering resources and market access.

5. What is the Objective of the Scheme?

The main objectives are to enhance farming practices through expert support, promote agricultural development, and create self-employment opportunities for agricultural graduates, ultimately boosting rural economies.

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