What is Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme?

What is the PLI Scheme?

- The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme is a national government programme promoting large-scale electronics manufacturing. It was notified in April 2020 as a part of the "National Policy on Electronics."

- The program's objective is to offer financial incentives for domestic product manufacturing and draw sizable investments to the value chain.


Eligibility for the Scheme

1. Companies that manufacture mobile phones will receive a bonus of up to 6% on additional sales of phones made in India if their annual revenue is $15,000 or more.

2. Over the next four years, businesses that manufacture these mobile phones and are owned by Indian citizens are eligible for a 200 crore incentive.

3. Land and building investments are not acceptable.

4. Investments made in equipment, machinery, R&D, and technology transfer for the production of mobile phones and associated electronic products are eligible.


Who can apply under the PLI Scheme?

- Businesses that are based in India and produce products for the scheme's target markets.

- Businesses that are based in India and produce products for the scheme's target markets.


Who are the beneficiaries till date?

- Electronics and pharmaceutical manufacturers.


- Automobiles and auto component manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacture, telecom, textiles, food, solar photovoltaic modules, air conditioners and LEDs, specialty steel, electronics, and advanced chemical cell batteries are among the new industries that will profit.

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