Trademark Class Search


What is Trademark Class?

- Trademarks of goods and services are grouped into different classes. Each class requires a different registration. - While large brands often register their name in each of the 45 classes, smaller brands do so only in sectors they are already in or have plans to enter into


Classes for  Trademark Registration

- As per, The International Classification of Goods and Services --> 45 Classes - Class 1 to Class 34 is for Goods - Class 35 to 45 is for Services - It is important to choose the correct class for your mark.


Trademark Classification of Goods

- Finished Product, purpose dependant on category - Finished Multi-purpose Goods, classified based on functions - Untouched or Semi-worked Raw Materials, based on material used - Made Using Different Materials, based on different materials


Trademark Classification of Services

- Based on the divisions of activity listed in the headings of the service class and the explanatory notes - Rental Services, ‘services rendered by rented objects.’ - Service offering advice, information, same class as in matters relating to advice, information.