National Legal Services Authority

In 1987, the Legal Services Agency Act was passed by the State Legislature and became effective on November 9, 1995. to establish a nationwide uniform network for providing free and competent legal services to the weaker sections of the population on the basis of equal opportunity.


First and foremost, State Legal Commissions, District Legal Commissions, Taluk Legal Commissions, etc. are asked to perform the following major tasks are: 1. To Provide Free and Competent Legal Services to the eligible persons; 2. To organize Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of disputes.   3. To organize legal awareness camps in the rural areas.


Persons eligible for free legal advice are:

1. Women and Children; 2. Member of SC/ST 3. Industrial worker 4. Victims of large-scale disasters, violence, floods, droughts, earthquakes and industrial disasters. 5. Handicapped.  6. Detainees; Individuals whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 10,000 rupees (according to the Legal Services Commission of the Supreme Court, the limit is 5,00,000 rupees). 7. Victims of human trafficking and begging