The Benefits of Copyright Registration in India

What Is Copyright Registration Under Copyright Law?

- Although it isn’t mandatory to get protected under the Copyright Act, it is advisable to do so.

- This is because a copyright owner’s work gets unassailable protection, thereby motivating more original ideas.


Why Should We Obtain a Copyright Registration?

- Copyrights are applicable to all the things that you invent, and some of them are copyrights for movies, pictures, books, music, etc

- To protect your creation, it is advisable to get a copyright registration. Here are some other reasons:

– If your ideas are copyrighted, it can be published to the public and thereby create ownership

– If your work has protection by copyright, then you can exhibit your work.


What Are the Rights Gained by an Owner from Copyright Registration?

- Fill in Right of Reproduction

- Right of Adaptation

- Communication to the Public

- Right of Public Performance

- Right of Paternity and Integrity

- Right of Distribution
