Does Labour Law Consultant in India is Beneficial?

Labour Law Consultant in India

– According to the Constitution of India, Labour is one of the subjects on the concurrent list.  – Here, the State and Central Governments have the power to pass legislation. – Without exception, labour law and employment law is a complicated framework in India and poses an obstacle to compliance for any business.


Labour Law Compliance Rules

– Minimum Wages Act of 1948, Mines Act 1952, Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act 1946, etc. Contract Labour Act (Regulation and Abolition), 1970, Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 – Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions Services) Act in 1996


Scope of Services of Labour Law consultant

– Processing of monthly salaries/wages and Benefits, along with the reimbursement – Management Aid Reports and Statutory compliance reports – Consulting services on CTC structuring – Final and full settlement for employees who are no longer employed


Services on Labour Law consultant in india

– Work of Consult – Authorised zone – Be Safe From Unfairness
