Benefits of Filing a Copyright Registration

Six categories of copyright exist, namely:

1.  Literary works other     than computer programs 2.  Musical works 3.  Artistic works 4.  Cinematography films 5.  Sound recording 6.  Computer programs,     tables, & compilations


Benefits of Registering Your Copyright

1.  Power to impose copyrights by filing a lawsuit for copyright infringement 2.  Notifying the public about the ownership 3.  Legal proof of ownership and possession


Other Important Benefits of Copyright Registration

– A registered copyright is required to register an intellectual property right with the Customs Office in order to prevent the import of unauthorised work – Copyright owners can easily sell, licence, transmit, rework or pass on the rights of the work to other persons when they have copyright ownership – A copyright owner is not required to pursue an infringer by filing a case in the location of the infringer or where the infringing activity is taking place.