Could AI Help Cure the Downward Spiral of Human Loneliness?

Could AI Help Cure the Downward Spiral of Human Loneliness?

Hollywood warns against AI relationships, but computer scientist Tony Prescott sees potential benefits in AI companionship for reducing human loneliness. Could AI be a solution?

Professor Tony Prescott of the University of Sheffield argues AI can offer valuable companionship, similar to pets or dolls, helping people practice social skills and build self-confidence.

AI could help break the cycle of loneliness by improving self-worth and social skills, suggests Prescott. This support might help people find companionship with both humans and AIs.

Loneliness affects millions, with profound health impacts. US surgeon general Vivek Murthy calls it an “epidemic,” linking loneliness to heart disease, depression, and early death.

While some experts warn AI might harm human relationships, Prescott believes the benefits outweigh risks. Tech firms continue to develop emotionally responsive AI chatbots for companionship.

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