OnePlus Watch 2 Latest Update : New Apps and Features Await

OnePlus Watch 2 Latest Update : New Apps and Features Await

OnePlus Watch 2 rolls out update A.94, introducing new apps like Barometer for atmospheric pressure and Relax for guided breathing.

Update A.94 enhances OnePlus Watch 2 by improving workout data display, adding music control during workouts, and a ‘Tap to wake’ toggle.

Power Saver mode now includes features like favouriting contacts, and showing call logs and contacts for enhanced usability.

The update also optimizes health algorithms, fixes known issues, and simplifies the process of changing watch faces on OnePlus Watch 2.

OnePlus Watch 2 features a 1.43-inch AMOLED, Snapdragon W5, 2GB RAM, and up to 12 days battery in Power Saver mode.

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